Wednesday, December 31, 2008

11 [ZENzing] Protocols

[ZENzing] is written rather than spoken, read rather than voiced.

In order to denote the compounding of the transience of an idea the ephemerality of the construct must be:

1. Indicated by bracketing the compounding with angle brackets or chevrons. However, in situations where digital language does not permit this (as is the case here), the [ZENzing] construct may be enclosed between two red bullets – REDbullets OR alternatively between [SQUAREbrackets]

2. Denoted by the first word/idea being bolded and CAPITALISED

3. Specified by the follow on word/idea being italicized and lowercase

4. In the case of [zingNESS], this is denoted by zing always being the first element, lowercase and italicized followed by the second being CAPITALIZED and bolded

5. In the case of
[zingNESS] plus another element, this is denoted by zing always being the first element and italicized lowercase followed by the second being CAPITALIZED and bolded followed by the third in plain text in lowercase;

6. Denoting the plural where appropriate by the appropriate element(?) having a X> added to signify the plural is infinite and if the plural finite a X> followed by the finite number of the plural – X11> – this device is sometimes used to evaluate the plural via the [11scale];

7. In the case of the
[zingNESS], or idea, being possessive, designated by the appropriate element(s?) having a ‘z’ added to signify the possessive

8. Indicated by red brackets [ 1 ] where there is an element of inequality implied or conscious negative discrimination

9. Denoting genderization where appropriate with an additional > angle bracket after the closing bracket for male; a + after the closing bracket for female; or = after the closing bracket for neutral – >>, >+, >=

10. Indicating deliberate offense, if required, with a bolded double forward slash after the closing bracket – >//

11. Indicating jest with a bolded colon and curved bracket after the closing bracket – >:)

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